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A standard Varwin object used to configure 360 video files. Additionally, it has a switchable control panel for video playback. The object has the following behavior:

After importing a video file into the platform resources, it will appear in the Desktop editor in the “Resources” tab. Learn more about downloading resources

Placing a panoramic video file on the stage

To place a 360 video file you need to add a “Video 360” object to the scene and then assign it a resource to play from the resource library

Setting up the “Video 360” object in the scene editor

Video 360

  • Video - field for selecting a resource

supported formats: mp4, mov, webm, wmv

  • Scale - Scales the video file. Performs the function of the standard scaling
  • Playback Speed (0-10) - Sets the video file speed between 0 and 10, where 0 is not playing, 1 is playing the file at the original speed, 10 is the maximum speed
  • Volume [0-1] - Set the volume of the video file from 0 to 1, where 0 is silent, 1 is maximum volume

The parameter supports input of fractional numbers in x.y format

  • Mute - mutes the playback of the video file in the scene
  • Loop - repeatedly plays the video file after its completion
  • Play on start - starts the video file right after the scene is initialized
  • “Play” button - to listen to the video file in the editor
  • “Stop” button - to stop listening to the video file in the editor.
  • “Load Video” button - loads the resource (if it is selected for this object) and shows a preview in the editor. Initially, the resources are not shown to reduce the load on your PC
  • “Unload Video” button - unloads the resource (if it is selected for this object) and hides the preview in the scene, leaving a white video panorama

Player position inside

  • Lock the player inside - the function that moves and locks the user inside the sphere;
  • Arm’s length distance - this setting sets the radius of the inner invisible collider sphere, on the inner surface of which it is convenient to place interactive objects; in order to see this sphere, turn on the collider displays at the top of the editor; use in tandem with the object Pointer beam settings, to allow the user to interact with objects further than arm’s length
  • Camera shift from the center - shifts the player’s camera, which is located in the sphere, along the vertical axis. The value is set in meters in the format x.y.
  • “Move camera” button - moves the camera inside the panorama to its center, at the height, set by the “Camera shift from center” parameter


  • Turn off UI player - turns off the interactive player that controls video file playback
  • Tilt angle of player - changes the angle at which the user sees the control panel in the sphere
  • Speed of following the user - regulates the speed of the control interface movement behind the user’s field of view, if the user starts turning his head
  • Closing time at inactivity - time of hiding the interactive player if the user is not interacting with the sphere. The parameter is measured in seconds


The main interaction with the video file takes place inside the built-in Blockly logic editor

The default block types for the object are as follows:LogicActionsVariablesEvents


  • Video playing/paused/stopped/loading - a block that is embedded in the logical construction and is involved in checking the current status of the video file


This set of actions allows you to control video file playback:

  • Play/Pause/Stop - a block that allows you to control the video file playback
  • Rewind to X seconds - set the playback time to a specified time
  • Download/download video:loads the resource (if it is selected for this object) and shows a preview in the sphere after you start the project. Initially, the resources are not shown to reduce the load on your PCunloads the resource (if it is selected for this object) and hides the preview from the sphere in the project, leaving a white sphere

  • Teleport the player - the function teleports the player to the center of the object
  • Display/hide player - displays or hides interactive player


Contains blocks that specify and return values of the following video file attributes:

  • Scale - video file scaling. Performs the function of the standard scaling
  • Playback speed [0-10]
  • Volume [0-1]
  • Cycled/non-cycled playback is a parameter that allows you to repeat the video file after it ends
  • Video duration in seconds
  • Current time - get current time value
  • Lock/unlock player inside the video panorama - parameter allows or forbids the player to move


  • Playback completed - Event triggered when the video ends
  • Close Button Pressed - Event triggered when the close button on the playback control panel is pressed

Requirements for 360 video files to be used in one project

Number of videos 360No more than 12-15 videos are recommended, depending on size
Video ResolutionUp to 8k
Video BitrateUp to 30 mbps
Video File CodecH.264
Video file extensionMP4
Limit by seconds per videoNo more than 90 seconds
Type of projectionEquirectangular projection
Supported ClientsMobile and Desktop