A set of blocks that allow you to work with numbers


In Varwin XRMS, constants come in two forms, regular digit and mathematical

Regular digit

A numeric constant block can be used as a field for entering the required numeric value

Mathematical constants

Mathematical constants are quantities whose value does not change

  1. Archimedean constant (number Pi)
  2. Napier’s constant
  3. Golden ratio
  4. Square root
  5. Square root of a half
  6. Infinity

Arithmetic operations

Arithmetic operations can be performed with one or two operands. For example:

With one operand:

  1. Square root
  2. Module
  3. A negative number
  4. Logarithm
  5. Decimal logarithm
  6. Exponent e^
  7. The number 10 to the power of the specified number

With two operands:

  1. Addition
  2. Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division
  5. Exponentiation

Trigonometric operations

Block containing the execution of trigonometric operations:

  1. Sinus
  2. Cosine
  3. Tangent
  4. Cotangent
  5. Arcsine
  6. Arccosine
  7. Arctangent

We remind you that ctg α = 1 / tg α

Boolean operations

Returns true or false, used with logic blocks. As true parameters can be used:

  1. Even
  2. Odd
  3. Simple
  4. Whole
  5. Positive
  6. Negative
  7. Divided by

Rounding operations

Operations of rounding non-integer numbers to an integer. Among the available block parameters, there are functions:

  1. Round up
  2. Round to the greater
  3. Round to the lesser

Random numbers


A block for generating a random integer whose range can be specified


Block for generating a random real number from 0 to 1

Remainder of dividing X by Y

A function to return the remainder after dividing two given numbers X and Y

Group “Vectors”

A vector is a directed segment constructed from two points, one of which is considered the beginning and the other the end. In Varwin XRMS, vectors are represented as a set of blocks that perform the following functions:

  1. Vector description - to implement logic, use a block inside other blocks
  2. Return component - returns the selected component of the specified vector
  3. Return the result of addition or subtraction operations between two vectors
  4. Return the result of multiplication or division operations between a vector and a number
  5. Vector product - returns the vector product of two specified vectors
  6. Scalar Product - returns the scalar product of the two specified vectors
  7. Normalized vector - returns a normalized version of the specified vector
  8. Distance from point XYZ to point XYZ - returns the straight-line distance between two specified vectors
  9. Length of XYZ vector - returns the length of the specified vector
  10. Rotate XYZ by angle XYZ - rotates the specified vector by an angle, specified as a vector
  11. Cast XYZ to Local/World Coordinate System Relative to Object - Casts the vector to the selected coordinate system relative to the specified object