1. The size of all model textures must be a multiple of 4, e.g. 4x4 pixels, 372x372, 1024x1024 and so on. Otherwise, placing the model on the scene may cause errors and incorrect operation of the project

  2. The model must be of the correct size and transformation:

    1. In 3ds Max - Reset XFORM

    2. In Blender - Ctrl+A -> Apply all transforms / Apply rot & scale

  3. The pivot of the model must be in the center of the model or at the bottom of it. Specific positions are acceptable, but they must be set carefully and precisely.

  4. Check the antialiasing groups and direction of normals on the model. If it doesn't look the way it should, you need to fix it. If you cannot see some part of the model, but the 3D editor has it (or it is on the site from which you downloaded the model), it most likely means that the model normals are reversed. Reverse them and this is 99% likely to fix the problem.

  5. The path to the 3D model can only contain latin letters and numbers. Never use Cyrillic letters and symbols when saving models. Everything must be named in Latin letters and without using symbols. By model path we mean the absolute path along with the model name C:\\varwin\\models\\duck.fbx. An example of a model that may give an error during the loading phase: "Ko%ska;7". A good naming alternative: "Cat_07".

  6. When loading 3D models, you need to load only the file with the model. Textures and animations will be pulled up automatically. If you upload a whole folder, the textures will be loaded as image resources:

    1. If you load a model designed by yourself First you need to make sure that the textures are sewn into the object that you are trying to load in Varwin. This is usually done within the 3D editor or in Unity when you build an object, you need to assign it a material with the necessary shader, insert the necessary textures and then bind (assemble) the object

    2. If you download free objects from various sites, you can expect all sorts of problems since we don't know how exactly the model was developed and what mistakes were made during its export. If the texture of the downloaded 3D model does not appear after loading it into the platform, most likely they have absolute paths (the path of textures has an exact location in one folder or another) and incorrect names of texture files instead of relative ones (where the textures are located next to the model file). The best of all extensions 3D models show themselves glb and glTF format (the first is preferable), with them all is always good.

      1. If suddenly all the steps are done, but the textures in Varwin did not appear, you can try to make a manual fine-tuning: what would the textures with an increased likelihood of appearing in Varwin, you must create a folder in which you put the model and next you can put its textures / create a folder inside called "Textures" and put textures in it. The idea is that the engine can easily understand what information is stored inside the model and not search through different folders where the components of the object are

3D modelers have a good tip for fixing objects that, for whatever reason, don't behave correctly. Go into the 3D package, place our model. Next to the model we create a Cube and attach (merge) the Cube with the model. The cube comes first. The idea of the tiphack is that all information from the pure Cube now extends to the objects attached to it, overwriting them. So if the model had some deviations in it which are difficult to notice and fix - this way with huge probability will fix your object

In the Logic Editor, select the desired 3D model in Objects -> Play/Pause/Stop the current animation. If your animation settings don't work, check in the scene editor if the Animation checkbox is checked for the corresponding 3D model