List of chapters

A set of blocks that allow you to work with text

Plain textLink to Plain text

Multiline textLink to Multiline text

Cast to stringLink to Cast to string

Creates text from a number, for example

ResultLink to Result

Create text fromLink to Create text from

Concatenates multiple lines. Numeric values ​​will be automatically cast to the string

Append text to lineLink to Append text to line

Appends the specified text to another numeric or text value/character

LengthLink to Length

Returns the number of characters in a string. This example returns three characters

Check if string is emptyLink to Check if string is empty

Returns “true” or “false”, so it is used with logical blocks

Convert text toLink to Convert text to

Remove spacesLink to Remove spaces

Take a letter in a textLink to Take a letter in a text

Returns the letter at the specified position. #1 is the first element

Find text within textLink to Find text within text

Returns the position number of the first/last element of the occurrence of the first text in the second. Returns 0 if the text is not found. #1 is the first element

Take a substringLink to Take a substring

Returns the specified portion of text. #1 is the first element