This section describes the control features in Varwin XRMS on the Vive Focus, Vive Focus Plus, and Vive Focus 3 mobile headsets

Vive Focus

2“Application” button
3“Home” Button
4Status Indicator
5“Volume” Button
7Battery compartment
8Bracelet hole


  • Press the trigger to interact with objects
  • To teleport, press and hold the touchpad to aim and release to teleport
  • To discretely pivot left/right, press the right/left side of the touchpad
  • To take or release an object, press the “Append” button
  • To exit the project to the connection screen, press and hold the “Apps” button for two seconds
  • To access the Vive Focus system menu, press the Home button
  • Press the touchpad or trigger to interact with interface elements

Vive Focus Plus

1Tracking sensor
2Touch pad
3“Menu” button
4Status indicator
5“VIVE” button
7“Grab” button
8Battery compartment
9Bracelet hole


  • Press the trigger to interact with objects
  • To teleport, press and hold the touchpad to aim and release to teleport
  • To discretely pivot left/right, press the right/left side of the touchpad
  • To grapple or release an object, press the “Grab” button
  • To exit the project to the connection screen, press the “Applications” button
  • To bring up the Vive Focus **system menu, press the Home button
  • Press the touchpad or trigger to interact with interface elements

Vive Focus 3

Top view

1Controller indicators
3“VIVE” button
4B Button
5A Button
6Thumb rest
7Y Button
8X Button
9“Menu” button

Front and side view

1“Grab” button
3USB Type C port


  • Press the trigger to interact with objects
  • To teleport, twist the joystick forward/backward to aim, and release it to teleport
  • To discretely turn left/right turn the joystick to the corresponding side
  • To grapple or release an object, press the “Grab” button
  • To exit the project to the connection screen, press the “Applications” button
  • To bring up the Vive Focus system menu, press the Menu button
  • Press the trigger to interact with interface elements